Feb 17, 2023Do your AI/ML projects include Business KPI’s?If not, you may be missing an important step in designing your AI/ML algorithms and to ensure successful project outcomes within the...
Feb 9, 2023Machine Learning - Improving health outcomes and care deliveryCan digital health, backed by AI/ML, improve health outcomes and care delivery? A resounding, yes! ⬇️ For decades. The healthcare...
Feb 2, 2023AI/ML in Life Sciences Over the last three years, the pandemic and AI/ML technology converged and thrust the life sciences industry into the public eye. So,...
Jan 27, 2023Algorithmic Bias in Health CareAI/ML is proving to drastically improve patient outcomes by speeding up diagnosis and mapping out more effective treatment plans. 🔍...
Jan 19, 2023Machine Learning Bias (AI Bias)Beware of Machine Learning (ML) Bias! Learn how to detect and prevent bias in your ML models ⬇️ ML bias, sometimes called algorithm bias...
Dec 22, 2022AI/ML is changing the way we administer, deliver and analyze healthcare servicesPwC estimates that the impact of AI/Ml on the global economy could be greater that $15 trillion by 2030! ⬇️ No other technology is...